Journal of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation : eISSN 2288-4114 / pISSN 1229-1854

Fig. 3.

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Fig. 3. Effect of Menthae Herba hydrosol on water intake in high-fat diet fed mice. Data are presented as mean±standard deviation (n=7). NDW: group fed normal diet and tap water, HFDW: group fed high-fat diet and tap water, P1%: group fed high-fat diet and 1% Menthae Herba hydrosol, P3%: group fed high-fat diet and 3% Menthae Herba hydrosol. abMeans not sharing a common letter are significantly different among the groups at p<0.05.
J Korean Med Rehabi 2023;33:33-46
© 2023 J Korean Med Rehabi